ARCHIVE: Dr. Thomas Castellano, MD – Medical Director

Leadership Team

Dr. Thomas Castellano, MD

The first 15 years of Dr. Castellano’s 27-year medical career began as a Board-Certified Emergency Physician.  Through this experience Dr. Castellano came to understand that his passion and skill set lent themselves to direct patient care in challenging settings.  Eventually he decided to ply these skills in other areas such as elder care and hospice.  He excels in a setting where he can apply his vast medical knowledge, but also have close contact with patients and family members.  His excellent communication skills and natural empathetic nature make end-of-life care an excellent fit for him.


Dr. Castellano is also very versed in and open to the use of natural complimentary medicines.  He utilizes a variety of complimentary modalities in his current practice, including nutraceuticals.  Although he loves working with patients, he enjoys being a consultant and educator for medical and non-medical companies, including legal and aesthetic practices.  Not limited by western medicine techniques, he has a holistic view of healing, incorporating many complimentary modalities into his current practice, including nutraceuticals.