Our mission at Enlightened Nutraceutical Solutions is to create truly effective, best-in-class nutraceuticals that empower people to live their healthiest and most vital lives…naturally!
- We believe the natural state of our bodies is one of health and balance.
- We believe if our bodies drift out of balance, they possess the innate ability to heal naturally.
- We believe this natural ability to heal is supported and enhanced by providing our bodies with the right nutrients, in the right amounts, at the right times.
- We believe all people should have access to these nutrients in their own discretion.
- We believe it is every person’s inalienable right to make their own decisions about how they maintain the health of their body.
- We believe Love and Cooperation are more powerful than fear and competition.
- We believe that all human beings are precious and uniquely valuable.
- We believe in YOU!

Almost twenty years ago a pharmaceutical scientist from South Africa was commissioned by a medical doctor colleague to create a natural product to help increase peripheral limb perfusion and vascular integrity. This request came with some urgency, because the medical doctor, who specialized in wound care, was running out of options. Even implementing the best standard of care practices at the time, he was unable to help many of his patients; often leaving him with no alternative but amputation.
The pharmaceutical scientist took up the challenge, and a few short months later he had a working formula to put to the test. His natural formula contained only essential vitamins and minerals, in very specific amounts and ratios. It was administered intravenously, allowing delivery of nutrients directly to the tissues of the body without digestive degradation.
After some preliminary testing, they believed they had an effective product. Desiring to treat the doctor’s most at-risk patients quickly, they approached the South African medical authority to request a compassionate use dispensation. It was approved and they began treatments immediately.
Working with the most critical patients, they began infusion treatments 3 to 5 times per week. By the end of the first few weeks the results were notable. Not only was the treatment dramatically enhancing blood flow to patient limbs, but their wounds began healing as well. Over the course of the next few months, they were able to save the limbs of all who participated in this treatment regimen. These treatments continued for 2 years, saving hundreds of limbs, and improving the lives of thousands of patients.
News of this promising treatment reached a few key individuals in the United States. These entrepreneurs reached out to the pharmaceutical scientist and doctor, ultimately coming to an agreement to license this technology and bring it to the United States.
These US-based entrepreneurs wasted no time. They built a robust team of professionals and worked diligently over the next 6 years, raising millions of dollars, and completing Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials. They were seeking approval for this formula as an adjunctive therapy for Critical Limb Ischemia (lack of blood flow to the limbs causing nerve damage, ulcerations and ultimately gangrene) because they knew from experience it worked for this indication.
Then COVID-19 hit and everything in the clinical research world came to a screeching halt. All research worldwide pivoted to COVID-19 trials.
This was a setback for sure, but they chose not to be deterred. They jumped in and instigated a COVID-19-related Phase 1 & 2 trial to assess the effectiveness of their formula on acute inflammatory response to infection (commonly referred to as a ‘cytokine storm’). This trial went quite well. But, due to a variety of factors, they were unable to continue their research and the process stalled.
A few months later, news of the situation reached Brett Hall, RD, a nutritional supplement research scientist. Given his extensive background in nutraceutical formulation and research, Mr. Hall decided to reach out to the company with an idea. His idea was to license all the Intellectual Property (multiple patents, all clinical research data, inventor know-how, etc.) to create a new, nutraceutical formula that could hopefully provide similar physiological actions. He saw this as a win/win scenario. If successful in producing a new vitamin and mineral formula with similar effectiveness, that product could be launched into the wider nutraceutical marketplace. This would provide much needed support to those suffering from blood flow and inflammatory issues.
It took some convincing, but ultimately the company saw the value in the proposition and agreed to the licensing deal. And thus, the nutraceutical company Enlightened Nutraceutical Solutions (ENS) was born.
At ENS, our mission is to create truly effective, best-in-class nutraceuticals that empower people to live their healthiest and most vital lives…naturally!
Then, a formulation change was made, and put to the test. A 2-week, in-house pilot study was initiated in 36 volunteers. The goal of the study was to gather both objective and subjective data.
The objective data consisted of measuring very specific blood markers before and after 2 two weeks of treatment. Some of these markers were the same ones used in the Phase 1 clinical trial for the would-be pharma product. This would allow the team to loosely assess bioequivalence of the new nutraceutical formula to the original proposed pharma formula. The results were outstanding. Many of the blood markers trended closely to what was seen with the original formula.
But it was really the subjective feedback that got the ENS team excited. Even volunteers self-described as “healthy” appeared to gain some great benefits from this new formula. Reports included the resolution of long-standing joint soreness, greatly improved sleep, enhanced sexual performance in some of the men, chronically cold feet becoming warm, accelerated recuperation from intense exercise, enhanced energy throughout the day, a sense of calm strength and confidence. You can see more of this feedback in the participants own words in the Testimonials section.
And now, armed with this study data, we are confident we have a viable nutraceutical product that we hope will bring great benefit to all who try it. We have named the product LumiNutra™. It is currently only available at our in-house clinic, but we will soon roll it out to IV Hydration Bars across the country. If not yet available at your local IV Bar, ask if they will bring it in for you…or drop us a note with the name of the business and we will try to supply the product to them.
For information on our in-house clinic please email us at contact@ENSnutrition.com.
Founder & CEO
Vice President of Legal and General Counsel
I had a severely sore elbow for the past few weeks and the discomfort was gone the next morning.
I fell asleep earlier in the evening and slept very well. I was able to sleep through the night without having to get up and use the bathroom.
I have an overall feeling of ease and calmness. My mind seemed more focused and had a better mood overall. My good mood continued throughout the next day as well.
I seem to have better feeling in my feet.
He said that the scar and my finger looked so great that I don’t have to go back and see them anymore. My surgery was six weeks ago and he said most people take at least three months to get to the healing that I had. He explained that Dupuytren’s surgery involves so many tendons that it takes a long time to regain function, but somehow, I’ve regained the function in six weeks that usually takes three months to begin showing up.
It could only have been the Infusions, I’m sure!
I have to say this virus completely wiped me out. I was not able to lift my head or do normal daily activities as my head was completely foggy.
The day I started LumiNutra, within hours I was able to sit on the couch and have a conversation. Every day showed remarkable improvement in my energy, less foggy brain and a desire to get out of bed. I was able to eat my first meal yesterday after 9 days and it actually tasted delicious.
I began to notice the vertigo subsiding in the immediate days after the first injection, but when it returned, I was quick to dismiss the treatment as only a very short-term fix. But, still hopeful, I went back for another injection the following week. No noticeable change in the immediate days afterwards, still felt dizzy. Four days later, however, I again noticed the vertigo subsiding.
So I went in and received a third infusion, about 10 days removed from the first. In the days and weeks (two) since, my vertigo is completely gone. Thanks to LumiNutra I am finally thinking and seeing clearly again!
After the first treatment, my physical energy increased dramatically while my cognitive focus improved. How do I know? The data doesn’t lie. You see, I’m a nerd at tracking my sleep and Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The data showed my sleep was better than it had been in five months and my HRV was the highest it had been in the past 15 months! The only variable I changed was adding LumiNutra to my wellness program.
I highly recommend LumiNutra as a core element to my friends and family to improve rest, recovery, and overall well-being.
I started the infusions when I was four weeks past Covid and still having residual effects. My cough was still looming and effecting my cycling work outs and my resting heart rate was still elevated. Living in Colorado and not able to get in a cycling workout is quite a problem in this state. The day after my first infusion my resting heart rate dropped back down to normal (56-58) and I had such a good night’s sleep.
After my 5th infusion I had my yearly annual with my primary care doctor. I was sold when I found out my total cholesterol has dropped to 147. The lowest it had been in over 10 years. I plan to continue and could not be happier.
I had heard that ENS conducted a study for LumiNutra, targeting inflammation and circulation issues, and I knew this would be a treatment that I felt comfortable with. I felt the incredible benefits after my very first treatment. The pain subsided, my mind cleared, and I could function again.
I have been taking LumiNutra for about 3 months now and it has been game changing. I still have the occasional flare up. But LumiNutra helps calm it down every time.
This nutraceutical has changed my life. Thank you, ENS!